CTV News Channel

This interview by CTV News Channel is about the children's book, Yara, My Friend from Syria.

Watch the interview here.

Arab-American conference interview (in Arabic) 2019

Orillia Matters

That foray into the “preemie” world is one Parry Sound children’s author Alhan Rahimi tries to capture in her book My Preemie Sister is One, which illustrates her newborn’s experience at Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) through the eyes of her three-year-old sister Hala. 

Read the article here.


An article about the book, Yara, My Friend from Syria.

"I think Yara is every child who had to leave their home," said Rahimi.

Read the full article here.

Baha'i Blog

Interview about the book, The Moon Was There: Glimpses of the Bab's Childhood for Young Children.

To read the interview, click here

Preemie World

The book, My Preemie Sister is One, has been featured as the "Preemie Genius" by Preemie World Organization. 

Have a look here

Today's parent

Yara, My Friend from Syria, has been featured on Today's Parent as one of many books on refugees. 

To view, click here

Parry sound

“Yara is not an actual person, she’s fiction, but there are many children who had to leave their homes like Yara, they had to go through the same emotional things she had to go through,” Rahimi said told the students. “They had to leave everything behind, they had to leave their favourite toys or their favourite books and come and start fresh with new people in a new country — these parts are real, but Yara herself is fictional.” 

To read the full article, click here

Baha'i Blog

Interview about the book, Mulla Husayn: The Story of the Declaration of the Bab for Young Children

To read the full interview, click here

Reviews from readers

Yara, My Friend from Syria

"This story touched my heart as I am the first generation American and understand far too close the struggle of leaving your home and culture behind to be in a new place. This book is a "must" in libraries of people who want to raise well rounded and understanding child as well as in libraries of immigrant parents to help their children to thrive in the new place."

~ Otakara Klettke

Ayyám-i-Há in My Family 

"Such a great children's book; I loved the illustration, which enhanced such an incredible story that not only children can learn from but adults as well. Ayyam-i-Ha seems like a delightful holiday, and this book is an excellent example of the celebration of it." 

~ Deirdre Stokes 

Roses Everywhere

"This is a fresh retelling of a simple and profound story. Examples from the life of 'Abdu'l-Baha can serve as an example to children and adults, helping guide each of us in our daily actions and interactions with others."

~ Joan L. Jensen

My Preemie Sister is One: The First Year of a Preemie’s Life from the Eyes of Her Sister

"I enjoyed reading this book because as a nurse who sometimes worked in NICU, I had not considered how a child views seeing a baby sibling in the hospital in a “glass box.” There is usually so much focus on the baby and parents. I smiled when she said how long she had to wait to hold her baby sister and how she felt a little jealous seeing her mom holding the premie. The illustrations in this book are beautiful. To the author, well done!"

~ Jeanie Jacks

Mullá Ḥusayn: The Story of the Declaration of the Báb for Young Children

"I had been dreaming of a book that tells the story of Mulla Husayn for younger readers, and here it is, complete with beautiful illustrations that keep my kids (3 and 5yrs) attention. Thank you!"

~ Laurel Maloney